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Why I'm Mad Today:
Global Warming.

Why I don't care:
It is not going to make much of a difference for hundreds of years. (come on, think like Dubya).

It's fun to hate:
Me. I bought a PC then spent a while defending Macs. Am I a closet 'Mac'er?

When Shadowtwin reigns supreme:
Shoes will have to come with a mileage specification just like car tires. It is a sad state when your christmas shoes (which you didn't take the time to go pick out until February) fall apart in April. That is perhaps a reason that I should have gotten the ugly "Nike" shoes as opposed to the solid black generics that I got. I simply must have solid black, solid leather shoes. My job as a butcher requires it. I can not have any suede or fabric, it must be leather yet the big shoe companies do not make them like that any more. Based on the selection at your local shoe store anyway.

Music lost to history:
Dangerous Toys - Outlaw. From the Self-titled album realeased in 1989 this song never hit a radio dial, but, I think it was the best song on that whole album. I still listen to it today, and I seriously dispute the claim that these guys were a hair band. Seriously, Megadeth, Metallica, Anthrax, Pantera, Death, Cannibal Corpse, and everyone else that was rebelling against their parents in the late 80's or early 90's, had long hair, that does not make AC/DC a 'hair band' any more than it makes Michael Bolton a power in the heavy rock scene...Anyway, just click the link to get to the page on artistdirect Then the 'sample' button next to the song in question. If you want to download it, I am sure you know where to go.

Obligatory Linkage:
Without his site, my site would never have existed.

This is the site of the moment. If you are ever in need of a burger, but are a long ways from a McDonald's, this is the site for you. Delivery guaranteed within thirty minutes, and they really mean Guaranteed

If you click through the picture above it will take you to a page where you can see how to donate to my little cause.

It is Friday, May 7, 2004

I got the brand new computer today, and, as such, I am still trying to figyre out how everything works.

There were a few issues, which none of you give a damn about, that I have to talk about, for no good reason.

It took a good 45 minutes or so to get my ftp client working correctly. Whether that is related to using a different Operating System, or my own idiocy is something that I am pretty sure will never be clear. I think that it will be the new 'conspiracy theory'. First, JFK is killed, then Kurt Cobain, and after all of that, my ftp client takes some extra nudging to work.... Sounds like a cover up to me...

I read what Flux had written over there at BlackChampagne (whose layout I totally ripped off, but that is a whole different story). I am glad to see that he now concedes that 'Pat Tillman' may not have been an 'over-the-top', gung-ho military guy who just got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time...

There are some issues about his death that just do not click correctly in my mind. First, he died in Afghanastan, not Iraq. Second, he put his life on the line to try to eliminate the terrorism in Afghanastan. He died fighting against the soldiers in a completely different country than described in the web site that I read, and also what most other people likely saw.

Certainly, Pat Tillman does not deserve sainthood, but he does deserve to be remembered far better than those of us who tend to bitch about the military, yet do not have the fortitude to give up a comfortable life to protect the freedom that we hold so dear.

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All site content is © Donnie Burgess 2004