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Latest Humorous T-shirt Slogan: "Hookt on phonix werkd for me"...I laughed, I cried, and then laughed some more.
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Alice Cooper is basically what Marilyn Manson has become. He sang about really taboo subjects at a time
when taboo actually was taboo. This particular tune is one that I began listening to after being dumped by the girl that I was supposed to marry
back in the early nineties. It is actually one of three songs that play back to back on most albums. Those three songs are, if memory serves,
"chop, chop, chop", "Gail" and "Roses on White Lace". I never really appreciated the other two quite as much as this one, but then I have
never hacked anyone to death, so check back later...
This song stands alone as being pretty cool just because it states the anger that I was having at the time (back in the '90s). At the same
time, it illustrates that Marilyn Manson is following the course of another very successful rocker. While Cooper's songs were not earth-shaking, they were provocative. That single fact
is what has led to Manson's success. I have never heard or read Marilyn Manson say that Alice Cooper was an actual influence on his
music, but here is an example of it from twenty years ago.
Obligatory Linkage: Without his site, my site would never have existed.
Yeti Sports-
Well, just a bit more shoe discussion today (dear random fluctuations of time and space, I hope I eventually come up with some actual content).
The shoes that I bought on Sunday performed quite admirably in their first full day of use. Of course you can't judge a shoe by the first 'full day' of use, but
I can certainly tell you that most of the downfalls of the other shoes were non-existant in these ones. So much so, in fact, that I think I may finally understand why I
can never find a comfortable pair of shoes in any price range. It turns out that I have wide feet.
The latest pair of shoes that I purchased are in a 9 1/2 size, but they are 'extra wide'. It turns out that all of the foot discomfort that I had been getting from the other shoes might be directly related to the
fact that I have wide feet. You see, your average Payless Shoe Source doesn't have any person working for them that actually cares about your shoe size. The only thing that those type of stores
care about is selling the next pair of ten dollar shoes (of which maybe 3 cents per shoe go to the kids in the warehouse that built them). I mention this only because I found it a bit humorous that the women at the shoe store I went to seemed a bit,
I will say, less than educated at their craft.
There is a thing called a Brannock Device that can be used to measure the foot, in length and in width. There is always at least one of the damn things in every shoe
store. The unfortunate thing is that they never use them, even worse, they don't know how to use them. Using the device by myself, after I had already purchased the damn shoes, I found that I am actually a size 9 1/2. Beyond that, and not knowing how to use the device properly, I was not
able to confirm this until I just googled up the link to the Brannock Device. It turns out that I really do have wide feet.
My usual shoe purchases are in the 10 1/2 to 11 range, and they seem to fit pretty well (after a week or so of expansion). The 9 1/2 extra wide shoes that I got, however, still seem to fit perfectly, no need for expansion or other weird shit to make them fit. The extra wide shoes just fit. If I had known that I had really wide
feet when I was in high school, I may have been able to make my dad buy me shoes that actually fit onto my feet. Of course Dad was more 'old school' and would likely have told me to grin and bear it.
At least now I know that I have really wide feet and as such will make sure to mention that fact when I am trying to purchase shoes in the future. Honestly, today might be the first day in damn near a decade that I have not felt pain in my feet.
Who knew that the pain could have been caused by the limited selection of shoes at the local Payless? Beyond that, who knew that if you wear a shoe that is a couple of sizes too big (if you have a wide foot) it will expand to fit the foot? This is all quite irritating to me, I am not blessed with a huge 'Johnson', I am not as tall as
an 'NBA' player, I just have really wide feet. And you know what they say about people with really wide feet...They have short 'Johnson's'. Which is also not helpful.
If these shoes make it through the unloading of the truck tomorrow, then through the remainder of the day, I might call them the 'Perfect Shoes'. Of course the odds of that happening are about the same as my odds of getting a pulitzer prize for the writing on this website...Not likely, enough said.
At the very least, even if you hate me, my feet don't hurt and it was the discovery of extra wide shoes that made this all possible.
I don't have anything to put after that. In the interest of making more readers turn liberal, I offer you this; The Washington Monthly. This site will give you the democratic view of the issues, like them, hate them, this is how we/they think.
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